An art collection collage - created by a Year 4 child for Gorilla. |
This week, the focus of our work was the emotional tire swing of Gorilla, alone and trapped by modern life in his specially modified zoo cage until rescued by his unlikely companion, Clint Eastwood...erm I mean a little cat called Beauty. Same same.
Anthony Browne's references to art as a means of of communicating with the reader is at the heart of why his books are such fertile ground for engaging creative writing. In this workshop, children were not just writers but curators of a new art collection for Gorilla. The collection would feature paintings that would reflect Gorilla's mood at different stages of the book and remind him of significant life events.
A written explanation detailing why this painting would be significant to Gorilla's life. |
Thanks to the children and the school for a fantastic hardworking morning!
To win a free taster workshop for your primary school, click the link here! Closes 1 June 2015. Leeds primary schools only (sorry folks!)
More examples of the art collections curated for Gorilla by the children. |