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I am confident your school will love what the children will create in one of my workshops, but don't take my word for it. Here are comments from teachers and students who have enjoyed working with me!

Teacher testimonials, November 2018
Ruth (Y6) talks about the impact of my teacher training workshop.

In autmn 2018, I was invited to work with the teachers and children at a primary school in Leeds. The training focused on fresh approaches to teachig literacy (using drama, roleplay, picture books) and developing children as authors (planning, drafting, editing). I gave teachers 1-2-1 planning support.

Here Ruth talks about the impact of my training. If you like what you see, click here or choose 'Work with me' from the nav bar.

Teacher testimonial, Aug 2017
Amy and Nicola, Year 5, talk about working with me.

Last term I worked with teachers Amy and Nicola from Leeds on a creative writing project. Designed around 'The Island' by Armin Greder, the theme of the project was immigration. If you like what you see, click here to see how your school could be involved or choose 'Work with me' from the nav bar.

See what Amy and Nicola had to say about working with me!

Watch the trailer for the film we made here:

Teacher testimonial, Aug 2017
Simon, a Year 6 teacher, talks about how working together supported his class.

Over the last two years, I worked alongside Simon from Leeds on developing his teaching practice for writing. We developed joint strategies and approaches that significantly boosted the outcomes and enjoyment for his class. If you like what you see, click here to see how your school could be involved or choose 'Work with me' from the nav bar.

See what Simon had to say about working with me.

Teacher testimonials, Writing CPD - April 2018
Ian, Deputy Headteacher, Leeds

"[Stefan's training] provided me as a leader with structural ideas to speak to our literacy leaders about."

Sarah, Deputy Headteacher & Literacy Leader, Leeds

"The training inspires teachers to try something new. [Stefan] completely revolutionised my teaching of writing - not an understatement!"

Jacqui, Literacy Leader, Leeds

"[Stefan's workshop] helped me develop a greater awareness of how children might feel presented with a blank page."

Bethany, Teacher, Leeds

"A great session from Stefan - made me think of myself as a writer as well as a teacher."

Teacher testimonial, July 2016
Simon, Y4 Teacher, Leeds

 "I believe I have seen a genuine correlation between children involved in the ARTiculate workshops and target children making Age Related Expectation (ARE); through enthusiastic, exciting projects and personal development related to a child's individual targets. Every child benefited with progress, clearly evident in their school books. 

The children in my Y4 class loved the sessions, returning enthusiastic and eager to share. They enjoyed the creativity of their Shakespeare lessons and the time to redraft/review their work and see the improvement. The children love their Magpie books and have been seen to enjoy including vocabulary and ideas in their curriculum classwork as a result.

As an example of the impact, one boy has great ideas but dyslexia sometimes hampers the articulation of his imagination in his work. We have seen clear improvement in his confidence, vocabulary and ability to record and redraft his ideas. Informed great progress!"

Teacher testimonial, July 2016
Danielle, Y5 Teacher, Leeds

"One child said they had really enjoyed studying and writing from different character perspectives, another enjoyed learning new techniques in creating artwork. The impact in writing has been that children consider character's feelings, appearance, personality more now. Stefan's work has inspired me to be more creative and enabled me to think of linking art and literacy in my teaching. I will also try using graphic novels more in class."

Teacher testimonial, July 2016
Carol, Deputy Headteacher/Head of Literacy, Leeds

"The children have grown in confidence about their writing. They are excited and proud of the work they have produced. On quiet, under-confident child has become far more enthusiastic about writing. His parent approached the school to inform us of his new enthusiasm. He had been talking excitedly about his work in his ARTiculate classes. His mum was very impressed!

Stefan has made some great book choices for the school - thanks for the recommendations!" 

Teacher testimonial, July 2016
Rachel, Y4 Teacher, Leeds

"The children always looked forward to their ARTiculate sessions and enjoyed the aspect. The children also enjoyed looking back in their magpie books and looking at the amount of achievement starts they had!

One particular child was hard to motivate in class and struggled with imagination. ARTiculate helped this child through the hands on, practical writing experiences.

Stefan has helped me to access a variety of interesting books to relate to various topics." 

Outdoor Learning and Forest Schools 
Lecture and workshop, Leeds Trinity University
22nd April 2015

"Two fantastic [ARTiculate] lectures attended and loved them."
Emma, student at Leeds Trinity University

"[I was inspired to] let children explore the outdoor environment freely."
Saphron, student at Leeds Trinity University

"It gave me a better understanding of how to work with children outdoors."
Rezwana, student at Leeds Trinity University

"Very interesting and I felt I learnt a lot."
                                                                                  Faye, student at Leeds Trinity University

"Very interesting and always discussion based."

                                                                                  Charlotte, student at Leeds Trinity University

Creativity and Art in Early Years
Lecture and workshop, Leeds Trinity University
27th March 2015

"Fun and inspiring and explained creativity in a lot of detail".
Sophie, Leeds Trinity

"It has really made me think outside the box and shown me how to apply different ideas in practice."
Name Withheld, Leeds Trinity

"Gave us ideas for creative activities. [The workshop showed] how important it is to let the child do their own thing with certain activities and what type of questions to ask."
Iona, Leeds Trinity

"Really enjoyable, learned a lot, well taught!"
Frankie, Leeds Trinity
"Two fantastic [ARTiculate] lectures attended and loved them."
Emma, student at Leeds Trinity University

"[I was inspired to] let children explore the outdoor environment freely."
Saphron, student at Leeds Trinity University

"It gave me a better understanding of how to work with children outdoors."
Rezwana, student at Leeds Trinity University

"Very interesting and I felt I learnt a lot."
                                                                                  Faye, student at Leeds Trinity University

"Very interesting and always discussion based."

                                                                                  Charlotte, student at Leeds Trinity University

"It has enhanced my view that art is very important in teaching children. Therefore, it has made me want to use these techniques when in a setting."
Emma, Leeds Trinity

Creative Literacy Workshop: The DIY Writer
Teacher Training, North Leeds Lantern Learning Trust
13th February 2015

“[The session gave me] lots of ideas I can take home and implement next term.”
Michelle, Teacher

“I will be changing my practise so the provision for children is better.”
Bryan, Teacher

“Lots of ideas about how to use picture books and ways of breaking down modeled writing.”
Calum, Teacher Y3

“Inspiring ideas.”
Ali, Teaching Assistant

“Very inspirational and creative – lots of new ideas to improve writing and unlock children’s imaginations.”
Nadia, Teacher Y4

“[I took away] a good understanding of how to support writing within my class.”
Jess, Teacher

The Island: Creative workshop
Inner-city school, Leeds
November/December 2014

Raised pupil's writing by at least 1 sub-level - developed their ability to apply knowledge. Hopefully we will see ARTiculate in our school again!"
Andrew Howdle, Literacy Coordinator

 Hi! I'm Stefan and I am a specialist teacher 
in primary creative writing. I work with interesting,
creative schools to inspire their
children to write!

Find out more about me here.

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