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ARTiculate Bulletin wc.14.3.16
Bambert's Book of Missing Stories
This story is not just a book of
writing. It is a book about writing. Bambert lives a lonely, detached
life with only Mr Bloom the greengrocer and the characters in his
stories – The Book of Wishes - for company. Not convinced he knows
enough of the world to make his writing believable, he sets his stories
free on paper lanterns to find the characters and settings they deserve.
In brief: Have you tried?
Ideas for talking and thinking:
How do writers write? That is the question and this book gives you the
starting point for a discussion about where ideas come from.
Ideas for writing: Collaborate as a class or with another school on creative story writing.
If you try any of the ideas I'd love to see the work your children produce!
A 'Have You Tried?' ideas sheet for Macbeth can be found here.
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